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How to capitalise on the growing trend for outdoor kitchens

  • Author: Victoria Malcolm
  • Posted in: Outdoor Kitchen Design, Garden Design, Landscape Architects
  • Read Time: 2 minute read

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The term 'outdoor kitchen' is one of the most searched for terms both in Google and on platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. Our own data shows a year-on-year doubling of interest in our bespoke outdoor kitchens. The popularity of having a high-spec outdoor cooking area right there in your own garden shows no sign of waning, and that means there are lots of superb options for people looking for their own luxury outdoor kitchen. 


It also means other businesses are taking note, too.


Landscape architects and garden designers are increasingly asked to include an outdoor kitchen in their projects, creating an outdoor space which is not only beautiful, but also functional too. That leaves them with a dilemma. Do they design the outdoor kitchen themselves and outsource the build? Or perhaps do everything in house? Or they could work with an experienced partner who provides a design in keeping with their plans and installs the outdoor kitchen at the right time in the project. 


There are risks to taking on an outdoor kitchen project entirely in-house. Outdoor kitchens by definition need to work even when exposed to the elements and there is now a plethora of appliances and materials to choose from. Every client has a different idea of how they want to use their kitchen - some of our clients aren’t even interested in cooking, they simply want to create a space for friends and family to relax. Outdoor kitchen design offers people the chance to design a space free from the constraints of the four walls of a room, but it takes experience to pull it all together into a kitchen which is beautiful and functional. Especially in the British climate…  


Not offering an outdoor kitchen as part of a design carries its own risk. Clients may shop around and choose a landscape architect or garden designer who has experience with outdoor kitchens or partners with a business whose sole purpose is to design, craft and install outdoor kitchens. 


Here at CENA, that’s exactly what we do. We work directly with homeowners AND with landscape, garden and interior designers to help them add outdoor kitchens to their projects. In fact, we get involved with design projects at all sorts of different stages! Sometimes we are asked to improve an existing design, recommending materials and appliances and troubleshooting any possible issues. For other customers we are engaged at the very start and provide designs which are added into the garden project. One thing remains the same - our flexible approach allows us to add value and make things run more smoothly every time. 


If you work in landscape architecture, garden design or even are an interior designer looking for ways to add value to terraces and outdoor spaces, why not sign up for our webinar? It’s being hosted by CENA’s Managing Director Jacques Shelton and he will be looking at the current data and trends in the outdoor kitchen industry and sharing how you can capitalise on this growing trend. Jacques will be looking at the opportunities this trend presents the garden design and landscaping industry and discussing the potential pitfalls of not working with an outdoor kitchen expert. There will also be plenty of inspiration in the form of CENA's beautiful bespoke outdoor kitchen designs!


It takes place on Thursday the 16th of June at 1pm, with the presentation lasting for around 40 minutes before a chance to ask questions. 

Use the link below to sign up for the webinar:

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